Tuesday, June 05, 2007

"My name is Linda and I am a writer." That is a great introduction. Have you noticed how very concern people are of what you do? What your occupation is. It is honestly horrible to see how the reaction you get from people are when you say unemployed. It is like it has something to do with your abilities or something. That if you are unemployed it is your fault. Some people just automatically put unemployment with being a loser. It's not like I feel like a loser at all, don't misunderstand me. And people close to me or that I have talked to has never made me feel like one. But there are many who feel like a failure because they cannot get a job, even if they try.

Now I really don't know why I wrote about this at all, but I am going to let it stay here. Does it make any sense to you?))) Just thought I had to ask.


Sheri said...

I was at the library the other day and just started staring out the window. Thinking about how we are all very much everything. . . we just don't always balance it in a healthy way.
We can fail, we can be pathetic losers. . . but sometimes we're afraid of what it means.
Take the opposite. Employment. What does it mean? Financial security (and security in general), stability, roots, known, familiar. I could keep going, but what i think of is that the misconception is really fear of the unknown. It's a label we use to say either she's a bum or something else is wrong.
And even if you don't feel like it, the thought exists. Maybe you should write about this. . . in whatever way you think of.
Maybe this is part of your darkness/light that you want to raise your voice to the world about. Maybe you need to open the public's eyes. Or the governments. Who knows? I don't know why you wrote it, but that's what I wrote what I thought)))
Does that make any sense to you? ;)

Sheri said...

Maybe unemployment is a modern-day limbo. ;)

Maybe it's the average person's rehab retreat.

Maybe we need time off, every one of us, to think about where we are in life. Maybe that's one of the real reasons for unemployment.

And maybe it's the government's responsibility that we ended up there in the first place.

The whole system is corrupt. :)

I've gotten off topic, haven't i?

luthien said...

Everything makes sense))) A good topic I think. What you wrote made me think about labels and how addicted we are of them. And as you wrote, unemployment are sort of like a limbo. It's not a title or anything, it just is and it can be really depressing. In my case, I have been away from worklife because I have been mentally exhausted, burned out. So it has been a retreat in many ways. And a good one for that matter. It has taught me how hard it is to live without nothing (and I haven't even been close to that because of the support from my mom.)

But labels that we put on ourselves and others would be an interesting topic)))

Sheri said...

Yeah, labels seem to be extremely important in today's world. And it seems a lot of people are burnt out. What do you think this means? Are they connected? In what way?
How do we deal with this? Maybe we wait too long to take the retreat. Or maybe the problem lies in why we get so burnt out. Is it because we're labeled? As if we have to be a certain thing and don't allow ourselves to step out of that one mold?
Why do we get burnt?