Monday, July 23, 2007

Harry Potter obsessed;)

I haven't written a slug in a while now, but man have I been writing. I don't know what happened. It's like a door has started opening, and I am enjoying it for what it's worth. I am right now, so looking forward to writing at least three pages before going to bed. I am just writing longhand, and I am finding it more easy than ever before. I try not to censor myself at all, just letting everything I feel and think come down onto the page. It is wonderful. And I try to confront the not so nice voice that is telling me it won't last and so forth. For now I am doing well.

I am also in the middle of the last Harry Potter book. I can't put it down!! It's like being obsessed or something. Since Saturday I have read almost 350 pages of the 600... Getting closer and closer to the end, and I will probably be finished soon. All questions soon answered:)

How are you doing? I guess I already know the answer to that. I won't pretend that I understand it.


Sheri said...

Hi. . .
I just got home. I was only able to get onto the computer once while I was gone and that was the time you couldn't talk.

Great about the writing))) What are you writing?

I put the last book of Harry Potter on hold at the library. I should probably start checking out the earliest first))))

Talk to you later. . .

luthien said...

You can't begin with number 7!! That is criminal... You must have the whole story!!:) It's like starting reading The Return of the King... Can be done, but still incredibly foolish)) Miss so much by doing that, not to mention the building up of the characters and getting to know them. It is simply impossible to get it to its fullest if you don't read the six others!! Strongly adviced to wait with the last book!!

luthien said...

I have finished the book!! In four days!!;)

Again: Do not read before the other 6 have been read!! Very important!!