I don't know why I all of a sudden thought about the Grail...
It's got nothing to do with the holy blood and that kind of thing in the Da Vinci Code. I was thinking more in the line of the Arthurian legends. About the knights that went in search of it. About being the Seeker...
I am the Seeker in the Wasteland.
I tread on the Rainbow Road of dreams.
This is my quest
to find the grail, the light of my life,
and bring it back into this world.
May my steps be guided
May my dreams be watched over
May my life be blessed with love
It also brings on the thought about the Ringbearer in Tolkien's world. Not Frodo in particular. Just being the bearer of something of great power. Maybe it should be the Grail bearer.
I view the grail as something of pure power. Then the Grail becomes a message, a vision that can guide our steps. The legends tells us that only the purest of hearts can ever find it. What does that mean, being pure of heart? Frodo was pure at heart. And in the end, evil overcome him too.
I guess what I am saying with this, is that I want to find the Grail. I want to be a Ringbearer. I want to take on the responsibility of being true to myself and bring life back to the Wasteland and thereby lead as an example. That's what I want to do. Be an example for others to do with what they want to. I have to figure out how to bring the light down into the darkness. How to bring the spirit into the physical world.
I'm confused, too tired to post rationally tonight, maybe tomorrow. One thing. . . to be pure of heart . . . maybe it means that you want something through and through, no doubt, no lust, but pure passion for something that will never fade.
Maybe you need the find the grail in every day that you live . . . in every moment?
By the way, how was your test if you have already had it? Or is that tomorrow? Sorry, I forget. . .
I was going to take it today, but I overslept big time...:(
So I guess next week........
I can't believe that I actually managed to sleep through the alarm... *Sigh* Stupid stupid stupid!!
oh no! I know what you mean, though. . . I've done it plenty. Alarms don't work on the days we need them to. ;)
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