I really have nothing to say tonight. It started as a good day with sunshine and a lovely walk downtown, but as you remember I had an appointment with the dentist. Unfortunately putting in that tooth was more painful that I had thought it would be. My gum is oversensitive so it hurts like hell right now. And two very strong painkillers later, I am really tired and are planning to go to bed since I have an early morning tomorrow. Hopefully the pain will go away and the tooth will only be sore when I thew.
This daily writing of a slug begins to be really interesting:)
Doesn't seem like I can find anything to write. Well, I write, but there's nothing coming out it seems. Maybe that is just the feeling I have... I don't think I would have written anything had we not made the deal of writing something every day. So in a way it is good that we made that commitment, because I am writing. No big lessons, but not every day can be a progress. Some days just have to be lived without much happening...
But one thing I have learnt from today is that my experience can actually help another human being realize that they are not alone in the world with feeling the darkness. Because I've been there myself and I've come out (at least I am about to) on the other side and things are quite different and I have survived. I know if I can survive this and be the better for it, I can get through anything. It's like in The Dark Side... where everything has its counterpart... I know I can be a victim at times, but that will only make me work harder not to be one. Even if I feel the need to ask "Why me?", I will always counter that question with "Why not!" And that will make it a lesson of life in the sense that I will find a way to turn it around and make it work for me.
I guess I did have something to write about after all. It's funny but I often find that it helps when I sit down and write to begin with the words: "I have nothing to say". Because I always find out that it isn't true, and I strife to prove myself wrong. Once again I did just that)))
Yeah, it does prove interesting, doesn't it?))) We always have something to say. In fact, we are stuffed to the brim with things to say. It's just sometimes hard to find the key, or open the door, or find the hidden cupboards. . .
It's almost like a puzzle isn't it... Finding the pieces and putting them together...
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