I’ve only had a handful of thoughts today. I feel kinda restless in a strange way. It’s the restlessness of not having any money at all, and wanting everything I can’t buy at all. I managed to buy some cheap micro popcorn yesterday, thank goodness. Every thought seems to circle around what I cannot have… I am thinking that it is kind of like a cold turkey thing… From sugar. In a way, I am thinking that it is the ice coffee. It must be so much sugar in it that it might be the sugar rush I am craving;) I’ve eaten more chocolate the past two days than I have in three weeks, but it’s the only sweets I’ve got… I wish I could just go into the shower and wash it off me… But I guess it is always like that: what you cannot have, you always end up wanting.
Nothing big happening as you might understand. No deep understanding of life. But I know that I will make it this month too. And that is a relief in a way. Now all I have to do is get through tomorrow, and I will be fine. Maybe it will be better tomorrow. One nice thing is that I saw a program on the telly that had an interview with Gerald Butler in it. About 300. I actually think I will go and see that one. It’s been way to long since I went to see a movie and I think I need to give myself a little gift… Hoping for some deep insights tomorrow;)
Just don't starve yourself.
It'll be like a fasting. :)
Thinking about cravings, which makes me think of deep understandings and cravings. . . .
I think I'd like to take a vow of silence. That would be so wonderful. Just for awhile. I'd love it. It'd be rejuvenating, I think. ;) hehe.
And you can walk around with a poster around your neck saying: I am not speaking today, so don't speak to me))) Then they would really think you had gone off the deep end)))
We leave in a society that detest silence.......
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