Sunday, March 25, 2007


I find it rather difficult to write anything this past week, like inspiration has gone somewhere and I can’t find it. It feels like it started after Wednesday clean out. Maybe it is because it is sort of half finished or that I am such a sucker for some kind of routine, even if it is a chaotic routine. In a way it feels like I am stuck in midair, about to take a leap, but not quite sure where it will take me and regretting jumping off.

Maybe I have been too serious, not having the money to lead my “regular” life with the daily ice coffees and not having to count how many cigarettes I smoke each day. It’s of course healthy enough to smoke 5 less a day, but I want to smoke less because I want to, not because I have to. I have eaten well enough though… No worries, I am not hungry.

Maybe we need to play more, and not be so serious. It is good to be deep and take things seriously, but without some fun and laughter in life, it can become rather depressing. I know that one of the reasons I have not gone completely under, is my ability to laugh. I love a good laugh. When you laugh so hard that your stomach hurts and it feels like you are going to cry. I guess one of my important lessons is not to take life so seriously.

Maybe laughter came up today to remind me to never forget to laugh. I think every human being should laugh good at least once a day:)


Sheri said...

I think we both have very analytical minds and that can be . . . well, very harmful if we let it. At least for me, if I use that part of my brain too much I start to feel a little . . . mad and depressed.
I can laugh alot too and I think that's what saves me from "going off the deep end." It's part of what helps when I'm around other people too, because I don't allow myself to be as serious as I am at home and in my room.
We need to remember that having fun and playing is just as important as being serious and deep. We need to either combine them or find a way to balance them)))
Try writing something really crazy and see where it gets you, maybe it'll help. ;) Be creative. Maybe it's hard to write because you now have nothing holding you back. Sometimes adversity, unknowingly, becomes our ally. . .

luthien said...

A monster lives under my bed
He scratches at the wood
and keeps me awake at night
Not a moments peace
and I go crazy with the sound
But when I look under my bed
there is nothing there...
Where did he go to
the monster under my bed?

Thought I'd take your advice about writing something really crazy;) I guess the bed thing came because I have to go to bed now;) Oh well)) It's natti natti for me)))

Sheri said...

Now that makes me smile)))

Is it inspired from real life?? hehe