Sunday, June 15, 2008

Tree Allies

alder - awakening courage to move forward
almond - abundance
aspen - overcoming fear, protection; in mythology Greek goddesses protected those who had aspen leaves
apple - healing, love, symbol of the Goddess Aphrodite; the mystical Celtic Avalon means ‘island of apples’
ash - balance, order, guardian; to ancient Celts this tree represented balance and was the guardian of the order of the universe
bamboo - good luck, prosperity
birch - new beginnings, renewal, the youthful aspect of the Goddess
cedar - detoxification, purification; Cherokees believe this tree provides powerful strengthening
chestnut - fertility, great strength
elder - moon energy, grace, honour; associated with the Goddess
elm - feminine power, love
eucalyptus - renewal, purification
fir - cleansing, renewal, releasing stagnant emotions
hawthorn - love, healing negative emotions, birth; associated with Blodeuwedd, the Welsh goddess of spring
hazel - inspiration, communication, knowledge
holly - regeneration, female blood-of-life
juniper - protection, purification, in the Himalayas Sherpas bless and purify their ropes with the smoke of juniper boughs
maple - prosperity, ability to adapt to new circumstances
oak - strength, fortitude, courage, faith
olive - peace, healing
pine - purification, cleansing negative emotions
plum - love, protection
rowan - protection, strength, magical realms; sacred to Brigit, the Celtic goddess of protection
sandalwood - wisdom, spirituality
sycamore - strength, vitality, feminine energy
willow - moon cycles and water, emotional healing, intuition, divine feminine spirit
yew - regeneration, rebirth, letting go of the old and embracing the new

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