Monday, June 09, 2008

Animal Ally

alligator - formidable strength, power
ape - primitive power, intelligence
bat - ancient wisdom
bear - mother earth, healing
beaver - hard work, prosperity through your own efforts
buffalo - abundance, harvest and plenty
bull - great strength, force, power
camel - endurance, getting through a difficulty
canary - harmony
cat - intuition, feminine essence
chameleon - adaptability, flexibility
cobra - life-force energy
deer - fertility, grace, joy
dog - faithfulness, loyalty, friendship
dolphin - playfulness, spontaneity, intelligence
dove - peace, freedom
eagle - spirituality, far-sightedness
elephant - power, mindfulness
elk - power, beauty, dignity
fish - emotional flow, feminine energy
fox - intelligence, physical attraction
frog - abundance, prosperity
horse - freedom, movement, beauty
leopard - prowess, sensuality
lion - majesty, power, bravery, leadership
otter - capriciousness, playfulness
owl - wisdom, feminine power, transformation
peacock - confidence, celebration, pride in oneself
polar bear - healing, strength
rabbit - prosperity, abundance, fertility
ram - masculine strength, pioneering spirit
raven - wisdom from unseen realms
rhinoceros - male sexuality
robin - harbinger of good tidings, new beginnings
salmon - being in the flow, moving ahead against all odds
seal - grace, emotional balance, curiosity
snake - womanly power, healing, spiritual awakening
swan - beauty, strength, gliding to new heights
tiger - prowess, power, strength
turtle - grounding, abundance
vulture - ancient goddess, purification
whale - perception, intuition, power
wolf - community, social connection, family support

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