It is such an exciting time. Have you notice how the same message about something beyond our so-called regular, ego-driven selves are arising? Something is happening in the world, that's for sure. Because when I was your age, the knowledge and information was a lot less than it is today. There is a shift going on, around the world. Over 2 millions have watched the A New Earth class. It might seem like a small drop in the ocean, but if you think about the effect like rings in the water, the effect can be enormous.
I find that when I read about the ego, the more I understand that I have been more driven by it then I thought. I would even take it as far as to understanding why I have had trouble dealing with certain things in my life. The great part is that now I don't have any excuses. I have a different way of looking at it and maybe recognising it when it happens, should I become upset, angry or whatever, I can take a step back and think about why it is that I hang on to those feelings and what good they do me and then I can release them.
I gave myself a present yesterday. I bought a cd, the first one of 2008, and the honour went to none other than Michael Bublé. As I went down to my dentist appointment I listen to "Feeling good" and that was just exactly what I was feeling. I wanted to go dancing in the streets to be honest. And I thought why not, I want to by his latest cd, and I found it. And I have been listening to it. He's got an amazing voice that reaches right into my heart. I just love listening to him.
Today, I am celebrating four months of morning pages! Yeah, congratulations to me. I've managed to eat breakfast more or less one to three hours after I wake in the morning. I take my vitamins and omega-3 with my glass of orange juice, and I've added water to my list. Baby steps towards a healthier life. Next will be some small scale exercising. And I am not obsessing so much about writing. I have let go of it. I mean the obsessing, not the writing. I wrote a few lines today, that might lead somewhere... Maybe to a poem or something.
Step into the circle of light,
let me fly away into the night.
I can't make you see what I see,
but I will tell you about what's in my heart.
Rest easy in the arms of love,
let the sacred be a friend and not the enemy,
release the grievances you carry
and let all illusions die away.It is only a beginning and very much a result of all the reading and listening I have been doing lately. Of course our writing will be reflecting what we are going through in our lives. It certainly is a great time. It's like falling in love with life again. And maybe even myself, though that will be a process:) I am my worst enemy right;)