Friday, April 06, 2007

Go deeper....

I want to go into the deep, evolve and see what I have not seen yet. Things concerning myself and the world in which I live. There must be so many things that are there, but that no one can see. The Shamans talk about worlds. We living here on earth operate with one. What is called reality by those who want us to believe it is the only one.

But the truth is that there are as many realities as there are people. We all create our own reality. Our reality is our story, and we have the power to change it. Not the situations and events, but the way we perceive them. We can see ourselves as victims of the circumstances, and we can place blame, but that has never gotten anyone anywhere. I realize I have played the part of the victim in my life. I have placed blame. But never again. I am the master of the reality I create. I will pick myself up and become who I was meant to be.

But then the question becomes who am I? Or what do I want to be and how do I get there? Maybe sometimes we get to wrapped up in trying defining ourselves that we forget to be ourselves.... I don't know.


Sheri said...

It's a long and painful road to responsibility. And yet its really liberating at the same time. To believe that we can do it.

I think that who I am is what I am. That simple. I think the hard part is to find out the ways of how we act and make choices (and why we do). But then, I don't know either. ;)

luthien said...

Then there's that word again: Intention.

What is the intention behind an action? Why do we do what we do? There is always an intention.