Wednesday, September 12, 2007


I have to force myself to write this blog. I am physically tired these days. And it is effecting everything in my life. I want to write, I want to paint, but I am too tired to do anything constructive.

Next Wednesday I am going to a yoga class. Well, it is a free try it out. But I am hoping it will be wonderful so I can continue doing it. I guess it is my search for energy and physical well-being. I have lived in my head for so long that I have overlooked the vehicle for all those thoughts for way too long, and I am beginning to see the downside of that way of living now. I mean how can I get a job when I am exhausted all the time. I don't like feeling this way. I have to be able to keep a job and work at my dreams at the same time, not having to sacrifice one for the other. Mentally I am doing great, but being tired all the time takes a toll on the psyche... And if one part of your life isn't good, that is the part that draws all your energy away.

Maybe it is my soul's way of telling me to get to work on that now. And if I don't listen to it, it will be harder and harder to do anything else. I have seen that very clearly the past weeks... I don't have any energy left to do much of anything when I get home. I barely manage to get up in the morning, and when I do it takes all my energy and I struggle all through the day.

1 comment:

Sheri said...

I think I understand because I'm really not in the physical condition I should be in. It's great that you're going to do a yoga class!!! That sounds wonderful. It should help you to get a healthy routine. I'd like to try it, but it seems I'm always running against the clock.